Ty and I are in desperate need of a vacation. So I guess it is a good thing that we have one coming up! We are going on a cruise! Yahoooo! Ty is burnt out at work for sure - working from 8am to 9:30 at night EVERY day of the week! I don't know how he does it. I am busier than ever at work..I love it but it is definitely time for a BREAK! We cannot wait to go. Now I just need to get in swimsuit shape..but it is so hard! Wii fit definitely isnt cutting it! And I was so hoping that it would so I wouldn't have to ya know...eat healthy and exercise. Boo to that!
It seems a lot of my friends are finding themselves preggers lately. I have been asked a LOT MORE now "When are you going to have a baby - everyone else is?!" So just to set the record straight...I am NOT pregnant (nor do I look prego hopefully) and I don't plan to be anytime in the near future. I know my Mom wears her little wish necklace every day so that I will have these fabulous twin babies (yes, twins) but NOT YET! All in good time, Mom..all in good time.
Thats funny your mom cant wait for you to have babies. It gets really annoying having people ask when your going to have kids huh. we waited 2 and a half years to have Jake, take your time cause once you decide to have one it will never be just the 2 of you again.
P.S. I'm so jealous you guys are leaving on your cruise soon hope you have tons of fun!!
haha! Let me know how things go with the twins in the future :). And just tell everyone you're enjoying being married, for crying out loud, is that so wrong? Seriously, people always want you to move along to the next thing. I am way jealous that you get to go on a cruise! How fun! Enjoy :)
Oh it was totally some good redneck fun. and some much needed fun. I am so jealous of your cruise i wish we could go. We have both just been so busy with work and school that when we do have free time we just want to veg at home and do nothing. we all need to get together for dinner some time though! make a plan and let me know we will be there. maybe sushi some time i know we all love some sushi!
Jenna, It was so fun to see you the other night! You always look so cute, and have all the new trends! Glad to see you are doing so well!
I hope you guys have fun on your vacation!!! Call me when you get back so we can hang out again. If you are ever feeling baby hungry I can bring Brielle over for a night. :)
Funny how everyone thinks they know best when its time for YOU to have a baby =) I am super excited for ours coming in June, but I'm really glad it was on our timing and not everyone else's. Have fun on your cruise! (and remember the birth control, or you might be bringing those twins home after all...=)
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