Monday, March 23, 2009

Why can't we have a vacation AFTER our vacation?

Well we got back from our cruise on Saturday. I am a little upset that we came from perfectly sunny happy fantastic weather to SNOW! What the?! That is a little sad I must say. We had a blast though. We went to Puerto Rico, St. Maarten & Labadee, Haiti. It was SO much fun. We definitely enjoyed ourselves. We snorkeled, lounged at the beach, shopped, ate a TON of food - 10lbs. later - and just generally had an amazing time. I did not want it to end! We had such a fun fun group of people. We have so many funny memories from that trip. It was an absolutely perfect vacation. Thank you to my amazing husband who put this whole trip together for us. I am so glad he got a break from his crazy work schedule and had some down time to just have fun and be young! Now it is back to work I go..but at least somewhere in the back of my mind I will have these cruise memories to pull me through!


Meg said...

Looks like you had some fun.

Ashlee and Sam said...

Looks like you guys had fun!! I am jealous of your fab vacation! We should get together again soon!I know I say this all the time, but I really miss working with you!THings are not the same since you left(what like 5 months ago) and I am still not over it.

Mike and Madelyn said...

So fun! I am so jealous. Your pics are beautiful!

Utah McMonsters said...

Oh my, it looks like you had so much fun!!! I am way jealous. And by the way .... you look FABULOUS!!!

natalie j. + richard a. said...

Hey Jenna! Cute blog! :) I'm so jealous about your cruise! It looks like you guys had a blast!!!

AmyCurtis said...

You are beautiful, by the way. Nothing like a cruise to make you hate reality, huh? =)

Kyle and Krissy said...

Amen to that, sister. Thank you so much for helping to make this the best vacation ever! We need to plan a little weekend trip to Vegas or something soon. I miss the sun!