The gorgeous flowers to make it all better..
My hurt little elbow...
So I have been sick for the last week. We got back from our cruise on Saturday..and then Sunday I got sick! It is the worst sickness I have ever had I think..I had no voice, headaches, runny/stuffy nose, body aches and the most horrible deep cough. I had to miss work after I had just taken a week off..which is never good! I went to the doc and he said I had a really strong, really contagious virus - and that there were no antibiotics to cure it - just a cough suppressant. So, I just had to sit home being bored for 3 days..I get so stir crazy when I am not busy. Then, to make matters worse..One sicky morning I decided to take the garbage out..and my naughty puppy decided to take off out the door and started running as fast as her little legs could carry her. I panicked and grabbed the first pair of shoes I could get (some slippery black work ones) and ran out into the snowy/icy weather. As I rounded a corner, I hit some ice and WHOMP! Fell straight on my back/elbow/ elbow got the brunt of it. I was so mad and embarrassed! I finally got Bella and was furious..only to look down and realize my elbow was profusely gushing was disgusting. If that dog wasn't so dang cute I would be selling her on the corner with a "Free to whoever will take it" sign. Ha jk. Then my hubby sent me the most gorgeous lilies so it kind of made it better..kind of. I think my pride might have been hurt more than my body.
hey girl. i'm sorry you have been so sick, but i am more sorry that your dog got out and caused the major fall! I've done that before and i hate when the dog gets out and feels free to run wild!
Oh man, I hope you feel better! I have been at that point with our pups many
POOR JENNA!!! I am sorry, I was rooling in laughter reading your post. It is okay though bc I KNOW you are one of those girls who laughs when you see someone fall! I hope you get feeling better soon. What are you going to do with that sweet husband of yours?
Lilies do make things better, don't they? =)
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