OK so this is Bella's thought process at night generally:
Get Toy, chew it - take it to Mom or Dad to throw
Whoosh - Oh there is goes gotta get it!!! Gotta get it!!!
Ok Got it, take it back to them to throw again
They're not paying attention what do I do??? What do I do???
Aha! I'll get the toy stuck under the couch
Oh man they haven't noticed its stuck under the couch
Time to pull out the big guns - Whimper whimper
Yes!!! They're getting it out.
Throw it again throw it again.
Then repeat lines 2 - 8.
The picture is of her getting stuck between the ottoman and the couch. She chased her toy under the couch, then we heard the whimper and she couldn't get out.
Eddie does the same thing. That pic is priceless, she is adorable! I love dogs!
Jenna-I need your email address so I can add you to my blog. meganlyman@gmail.com
I want to meet your puppy - she's awefully cute! You write well, Jenna. Makes me laugh =)
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