Doesn't he look DAPPER!?

It seems everyone I know is GRADUATING this year! It is so great! The two big ones are my hubby & my little sis Courtney. Tyler is graduating on Saturday with a Bachelors in Business Management & Marketing and Court with her nursing degree from UVU. I am very proud of them both!! My husband has worked 2 jobs, gone to school, juggled me & family and gotten married all at once!! He is a trooper that is for sure. I am so excited he will have just a smidgen more time to spend with me. WAHOO! So congrats you two!!
This all just makes me want to get my butt in gear and get done with school faster! I start summer semester in May and only have about 4 semesters left until I can graduate with in Education (I am hopefully going to be an Elementary School Teacher). I am really excited to get done! School is tough business! Anyone who has anything higher than a Bachelor's I have to bow down to! Amazing!
So wish me luck people! I'll need it!
Congrats Ty on finishing school! It seems so long ago when we were sitting in Enviro class together. That is so awesome you did it!!
Congrats to both of them too. I think school is tough too. Glad it's done!
Yay for Tyler! And good luck with classes this summer, you're so close to being done. Oh, and I hope you don't really think I look like this normally, am I really that fat?? :)
YEAH FOR TY!!!! All the hard work finally paid off!! I'm so happy! And I'm so happy you two finally get a little more time together! Good luck in school Jenna!
Yay for graduations! I hope you really do have more time together -- Sam and I have had less time together since graduating... =)
Keep it up at school Jenna! School bites, but you'll be a great teacher!
Tell Tyler congrats from us!! That is so awsome! We hope that day will come someday! I am way excited to hang out!
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