Monday, May 25, 2009

Summer TV Guilty Pleasures!!

It's basically summer... because summer TV has finally arrived! FINALLY!! Some of my favorite guilty pleasure TV shows are in the summer. Starting with The Bachelorette. I am addicted to The Bachelor in the fall/spring and now I get to watch this! I love the new Bachelorette, Jillian. I think she is adorable! I didn't really understand her whole "hot dog" theory from when she was "dating" Jason (who by the way - is a loser). Other than that, I think she has quite the plethera of guys to pick from. There are some very gooooood looking men on this season. I am excited to see if she makes good decisions or not. I have a good feeling she will pick some winners & not weiners (pun intended) Haha!

Oh..and something very important happened in the last week - that's right. I got BRAVO back!! My husband was super nice and called lame Comcast & used his superior negotiating skills to get my precious channel back. That was seriously all I watched for like 2 years until we switched from DirectTV to Comcast. Yay Tyler! I think he might regret it now though. All I do is talk about Real Housewives of New Jersey, The Fashion Show (not as good as Project Runway..but I will survive on that until the new one comes on Lifetime) and Top Chef. He is like..oh man..what did I DO?!?!? I just come back with..oh IS ESPN treating you? :) He can't say anything after that.

I might sound like a big DORK, but I don't really care. I love my summer shows and I know there are lots of my friends that do - but they just won't admit it. So go on,'s ok..let it out.. let the summer bug bite ya!! Sit back, grab some munchies and enjoy the juicy goodness that IS reality TV!


The Jensen's said...

you are so cute, and yes I can totally admit it I love the bachlorette, Jillian is way cute. I cant wait to see who she picks.

Nicki G said...

Yay for the Bachelorette! We are addicted as well...and yes, I said we, Levi loves watching it with me. We were so disappointed in dumb Jason!

Meg said...

I love BRAVO. Seriously, if it is on BRAVO I will watch it. RHofNJ is the biggest train wreck, mostly because of Danielle but it is pure entertainment. I can't wait for Top Chef Masters, probably the best contest/reality show on TV.

ARLdoubleE said...

Jenna...I love that there is someone who loves reality tv as much as me!! I love Jillian!!! I need to call you about the text you sent. If I texted would def. think I was CRAZY!!!