Monday, June 15, 2009

Bring Back Ostertag!!!

OK, if your not a Jazz fan, this one might go over your head. I was reading this article today:

Ostertag has long been the butt of many NBA sportscasters jokes, or the billboard spokesman for The Kidney Foundation, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Ostertag is going to take the NBA by storm this time.

I mean look at the picture above, incredible. I just wanted to say this publicly, I am firmly on the bring back Ostertag to Utah bandwagon. Too bad we picked up the option on the other unathletic tall white guy - Fesenko. (

Here's a few stats to snack on while considering whether we should bring him back:

4.6 Points per game
1.7 Blocks per game
5.5 Rebounds per Game

In addition to these stats - he has a Fred Flinstone tattoo on his calf. Amazing!


1 comment:

Raelynn said...

I agree!! Ostertag is great!!!