#5. Courtney's upcoming wedding! Courtney is getting married in 2 weeks! We have been celebrating it like there is no tomorrow..she has had 3 showers already! She had such a blast opening all of her new kitchen gadgets, bedding and..ooh la la..lingerie! We are so excited to see her new life unfold. She will be a great little wife!
#4. Ragnar Training! Tyler's race on the Wasatch Back is THIS FRIDAY! He has been training almost every day trying to get ready for this thing! I will be super proud of him when I see him finish - and super happy it will be OVER! Go Ty!!
#3. School and more school! I am swamped with homework and projects that are due almost every day. I actually don't mind it. The hard part is juggling everything. School, work, cleaning the house, spending time with my hubby & my family - all of that! I will be happy when I am done!
#2. My 25th B-day. (note the period - not exclamation mark) It hasn't actually happened yet - it's tomorrow - but I am DREADING it. Somehow I always thought I would be in my early 20's. I don't know why I am having such a hard time with it - but I am. Breathe, Jenna, breathe!!
#1. Park City Weekend! My fantastic hubby whisked me away to Park City this last weekend. I know it is not California or Hawaii or something..but to me - this was just the perfect getaway! We had a hottub in our room - it was fab-u-lous! He let me do WHATEVER I want. We shopped, ate tons of food, went to the Alpine Slide (which I beat him at and he was SOOOOO mad! YAY!) He is the sweetest guy - I am still just so in love with my hubby after almost 5 years together!!
So that is pretty much it!! I am off to watch the Bachelorette!
You are a busy woman! Tell Courtney congrats and Happy Birthday yourself
You are super busy! Happy Birthday, hope you can enjoy it :)
You busy little girl! I was actually looking at my calendar this morning, and thought of you! I wan't sure if your BDAY was the 13th or 16th...Either way have a good one! Look on the BRIGHT side at least you are not turning 30! :)Welcome to the 25 club. Now you can rent a car by yourself (without the additional fee) AND your insurance goes down! It's not that bad! :) Hope all is going well! I would love to do lunch with ya when I am in town next! :) HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY!!!
Happy Birhtday!!! I still need to take you out for dinner! Looks like you have had alot of fun. Lets get together soon.
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